it started with a boy …
Steve Bloomfield was born and raised right here on the farm in which we currently reside. He began helping his parents on the farm at a young age and very quickly realized his passion for farming. Steve attended Fanshawe College for Landscape Design, as his parents wanted him to have something to "fall back on" should farming not be in his future.
For most of his life he lived here at the farm, for a few short years he lived on the farm that his parents Clare and Wendy Bloomfield currently reside at, right around the corner from the home farm. Steve grew up in a tight knit, farming family who valued hard work and most importantly their faith in Jesus Christ. Right from the beginning, the Bloomfield family has honored Sunday as a day of rest. A day to spend with family and friends, attending church and relaxing, preparing for a busy week of farming to come.

who met a lovely girl …
Kendra Bloomfield also has farming in her roots. She is no stranger to the small community, having lived in a couple as a young girl, and ending up living on a farm after her parents separated at the age of 8. With a Grandfather who was heavily involved in agriculture, both as a teacher at the local high school, 2 decades as the MPP of his area, and served as the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and a mother who lived and worked on the family 200 acre farm during that time, there is farming in her roots as well. Having grown up in the rural community with lot's of space and the fresh "farm" air, it was no surprise that she ended up on a farm today. Kendra also attended Fanshawe College for Fitness & Health Promotion, which she pursued for a little while, but came to realize the desire for a family and the potential to be a "stay at home" mom.
their family grew …
We were introduced in 2006 by a mutual friend, set up on a blind date. At the time Steve had a son who was 6, a little younger then Kendra was when her parents separated, and a daughter who was 2. Being able to relate to the kids and their feelings, having gone through what they were going through was a great asset and start to the relationship. We were married in October of 2007, and decided to try to expand our family having been blessed with the arrival of a son in February of 2011, and once again a son in August of 2012. With the addition of these spunky little men we felt our family was complete

family farm life …
When we made the decision to try to expand our family, we decided that Kendra would come home and work on the farm. Being present in the lives of our children was of the utmost importance and we were able to make it work. In doing this we were able to begin focusing on our passion to expand the farm and grow the family run business. We have loved every moment, the good, the not so good, and the in-betweens have taught us so much about ourselves and our abilities.

the sky is the limit …
We love that we can raise these 4 amazing children on the same farm that Steve grew up on. Providing each of them with the opportunity to get as involved as they would like, and grow with us. We love that they all want to be involved in one way or another, that they share in our dreams and passions. We love the opportunities that the "farm life" provides for us, the education and development on a daily basis. We can only credit our Heavenly Father with the position we stand in today. Each of the lessons he has taught us, whether good or bad, has shaped us to be the people we are. We so look forward to what he has in store for us as we continue on our journey. While we know it won't always be sunshine and roses, we do know that he is always faithful