The hanging weight of a Quarter is generally between 170lbs to 230lbs, and usually fits in 2-2.5 large picnic coolers. Our beef is hung for 21 days to dry- age it. Most steaks come 2 per package, Ground Beef is 1 lb or 2 lb packages, You can swap out the 5 packages of Stir-fry Strips & 5 packages of Stew Beef for 10 lbs of Ground Beef. If you wish you can also swap out 10lbs of ground beef for 10lbs of hamburger patties.
this product contains …

Ribeye Steaks
x3 pkg

Sirloin Steak
x3-4 pkg

T-bone steaks
x2 pkg

Wing Steak
x1 pkg

Porterhouse Steak
x1 pkg

Blade Roasts
x3 pkg

Steak Roasts
x3 pkg

Short Rib Roasts
x2 pkg

Sirloin Tip Roasts
x2 pkg

Rump Roasts
x2 pkg

Eye of the Round Roast
x1 pkg

Ground Beef

Stir-fry Strips
x5 pkg

Stew Beef
x5 pkg

Soup bones