I’m sure all of us can agree that 2020 was one for the books. We didn’t see it coming, surprises at every turn, ups, downs and lot’s in between!
While the world was upside down for most of the year, there were some positives that came out of it, we just had to want to see them.

In our world, farming didn’t change much with the pandemic. The animals still need to be fed and continue to grow, they still produce eggs, and the crops still need to be planted, managed, and harvested. We are more than thankful as our farm store has been able to remain open, and we have faithful customers that support us!

One of the changes the pandemic brought about for us was the forced opportunity to try some different things. In our personal lives, we were forced to slow down. The calendar went from jammed full to wiped clean. We are home in the evenings and on the weekends, and that alone is a major change for us. It has been a welcome change, a slow down in the race of life.

At the beginning of the pandemic, we were forced to transition to curbside pickup, and delivery, through online ordering, for a few months. It wasn’t easy and was quite overwhelming. Out of that, we discovered some positive things that we have incorporated into our business.
We were also forced to cancel our 7th Annual Christmas Open House. It was a disappointment, but surprisingly a bit of a relief too. The Open House always takes so much time and effort to pull together, and always happens either immediately following corn harvest or in the middle of it. There never seems to be enough time to get everything together, and we are usually finishing right down to the wire. Don’t get me wrong we thoroughly enjoy hosting it, we love the opportunity to host the community and get to know our customers. In the last couple of years, we have been increasingly busier and have had less time to visit.
So, with the changes that the pandemic brought on, we were able to “pivot” and try some new things.

We were able to host more Ladies evenings, which I for one really enjoyed being a part of.

We also had the opportunity to host our littlest customers with visits to Santa. Steve and I both loved this opportunity! It was a much slower pace, a chance to give back to the community, and a lot of fun. We were able to visit, connect, and see the joy in the children’s faces as they talked to Santa. We did draws, and giveaways and just really were able to enjoy and embrace the holidays this year.

We also brought in a bunch of new products, and began working with other local food producers, which has been amazing! We have had some more time available to discuss our visions and dreams for the business and do some planning too.
2020 was a lot of things, and yes it brought about a lot of challenges, but it also brought about a lot of positive changes and joys that we just have to be willing to look for. Big or small they are there for us to seek and enjoy. Don’t miss out on that chance, don’t be looking in the wrong direction. Take it all in, don’t forget about the year 2020 and what it taught you about yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments, even if that’s only surviving 2020 because that’s a pretty big one. Learn from the tough times because it’s what brings about the most growth. Feel all the feels, all the emotions and then move on. Choose to make 2021 great, that is my plan. Have faith, let go of the things you can’t control, and look forward not behind.
Wishing you the very best for 2021! May you experience joy, hope, love, faith, happiness, and good health.
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