When you hop on any social media platform these days, it appears to be a really sad state of affairs. We are all experiencing a lot of upheaval and change. It can be awfully depressing.

So, in the spirit of that I wanted to look ahead, and not focus on what we have lost or left behind. The one thing we can’t change, or control is the past, so there is no point in dwelling on it. We can look ahead and try to have hope and courage to put one foot in front of the other and move on. Don’t get me wrong, we should feel all the feels and all the big emotions, but we can shift our focus to the future and all the possibilities it presents.
The one thing I mentioned in my last blog post was that the pandemic has provided us the chance to do some reflecting, re-evaluating and planning where our business is concerned. It’s exciting and nerve wrecking all wrapped up together! We have had a greater opportunity to look forward and see where things are heading. While we know that we are ultimately not in control, God is, we can plan for what we know right now.
We have some dreams of expanding here on the farm, building another much-needed storage building for equipment, expanding our animal selection, and growing with the increasing demand in the store. It’s hard right now to predict where things are going, so we are hoping and praying that we are moving in a positive direction. We have been discussing our 3 year, and long-term plans. Doing lots of dreaming! It’s kind of fun, lots of conversations that start with “If I won the lottery…”.
We are also planning for the year ahead. Of course, that is a little more difficult right now, then in past years. At this point we just don’t see the opportunity to host our large Christmas Open House in November as we have for several years. So, we will look at something different. It actually brings me joy and excitement at the prospect of planning something new. We will bring back our classes, and hopefully add some more this year, and of course our Pictures with Santa days too! The opportunities are endless, we look forward to what’s to come.
I love dreaming, and I love planning even more. Steve is the same way; we have a lot of fun coming up with new and exciting things. Sometimes they are epic fails and sometimes they turn out to be a great success. Don’t be afraid to dream big, you just never know what you can achieve with some hard work, grit and determination.
We are looking forward to 2021 with great anticipation. We know, respect and appreciate that there is a global pandemic going on, however we also know that it isn’t going to last forever, and we want to hit the ground running when it’s safe too! We hope you are planning, dreaming and preparing for all that’s to come in 2021!
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